Book an Assessment!

I am here to support you in your health goals! As a certified Fascia Alignment Coach, I have studied the fascia’s pattern of collapse which shows uniquely for each individual, and can guide you in using your Block Therapy tools and resources to help you receive FAST results.

Book an assessment with me today, and start taking charge of your health!

Services Included:

  • Analysis of 1 set of photos, with additional information provided regarding lifestyle, past injuries, etc., for best analysis

  • 1 Month customized program

  • 1 Therapist Assessment over Zoom - 1-on-1 call to review your coach’s analysis of your alignment and your prescribed program

  • Additional support in navigating the Block Therapy Members site

For best results, you will need in addition:

  • The Starter Package with the Block Buddy

  • At least 1 month in the Block Therapy Membership

    • Your program is made from content which is part of the Block Therapy Membership. A Membership subscription is required if you choose to follow the prescribed protocol. More details about the membership can be found at the link above.

  • A commitment of at least 45 minutes per day of Block Therapy practice (one 30 minute Block Therapy class + one 5-15 minute Alignment Training class)

Get Started Now!

Contact me for pricing, scheduling, and further details!