What is Fascia?
In the practice of Block Therapy we talk about fascia a lot. It’s not a super well-known term, but its workings affect every day of our life, and it helps to know what it is that we're working with when we Block!
Audrey Hepburn - Proof That Posture is Key
When I think of Audrey Hepburn, the image that comes to mind is a picture of poise, youthful beauty, and a graceful, small figure. She’s one of my favorite actresses of all time, and, now that my profession is in holistic fascia care, I have looked at her again from that perspective - and I’ve learned a lot!
The Block Therapy Solution to Stress and Anxiety
What do we do about stress, and its worse forms: anxiety and depression? Block Therapy provides a perspective that looks at stress and anxiety at the cellular level and presents a solution that’s guaranteed to last.