The Block Therapy Solution to Stress and Anxiety
Got stress? Yeah, everybody does. It’s hard to find someone nowadays who isn’t stressed in some way, and I notice this more and more as I get older. Even kids are unnecessarily stressed, and that concerns me! In fact, I notice that the level of stress itself has gotten worse. It’s not just stress now, it's anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. Where is it coming from, and what do we do about these life-threatening levels of stress besides going to the pharmacist, taking a prescription, and forgetting about it until it comes back, worse?
Why are we so stressed?
Modern times has drastically changed the nature of “stress” as we understand it. Your body is well equipped for stress in short intervals - the “OHNOIMBEINGCHASEDBYABEAR!” type of stress. Your adrenaline goes up, your body pumps all of its reserves into muscles and the parts of your brain that will get you out of that situation, and you either escape or… well, let’s just say it ends pretty quickly. Nowadays, it’s different. Stress is all around us, constantly taxing our brain, digestive system, eyes, feet, hands, etc. Technology. Bad posture. Distressing politics and current events. Lack of sleep, lack of sun. This stuff that no one in the 1800s would be dealing with, we’ve got in spades, and the effects add up!
Have you ever thought to feed your cells?
Cells don’t ask for much, just two things: one, food in the form of oxygen and energy, and two, waste removal, both of toxins and byproducts of functioning. Both of these need proper flow of blood, lymph, nerves, and energy. But here’s where stress comes in! Unconscious, compressed posture, as well as scar tissue from injury, creates fascial adhesions, restricting blood and oxygen flow to cells. When these passageways are closed, cells become backed up with waste and blocked from life, resulting in weight gain, chronic pain, and organ dysfunction. When our cells are stressed, our brain is stressed. When our brain is stressed, we’re stressed! So you see - we can be crazy anxious and never know why, because the real reason for our anxiety and discomfort is hidden deep in our cells!
Now what?
Now that we know the cause, the solution is simple: open up those passageways and allow our cells to breathe again! Block Therapy has both an efficient tool and proper technique for releasing these adhesions in the fascia all the way down to the bone, where the fascia binds with a 2000lb-per-square-inch force. This sets it apart from other therapies, such as massage and “fascia blasting,” which release only the surface layers of adhesions and provide only temporary relief.
Blocking the belly strengthens the breath and core and assists the gut in its functions.
Block Therapy also focuses heavily on releasing adhesions from the ribcage and exercising the diaphragm creates a strong diaphragmatic breath. Our breath is one of our best tools for stress relief, switching the mode of our nervous system back to its parasympathetic “rest and digest” state and out of the sympathetic “fight or flight” state. It’s no wonder “take a deep breath” is the most common advice in a stressful situation. It works!
I know many people who have experienced weight loss, pain relief of all kinds, and have found it easier to cope in stressful situations thanks to regular fascia care. How do you think Block Therapy might help you in this crazy world?