Block Therapy for Athletes - Soreness, Injury, and Recovery

When we get hurt, inflammation rushes to the area to begin healing. The area becomes red, swells, and is painful and sensitive to the touch. In the process of Block Therapy, we encourage this inflammation. Because we equate inflammation with pain we consider it harmful, but it is simply the body’s natural healing response. If we block it off, we may relieve pain, but we slow down the healing process and introduce a risk for scar tissue development and other issues.

We need to keep blood and oxygen flow moving to and from the area in order to help the body heal. Once we open up the channels for flow, recovery is fast and complete. All we are doing is giving our body the space to do what it already knows how to do.

Block Therapy can even address the pain of injury. In the body, pressure overrides pain, like when you rub your head instinctively if you hit it on something. We apply gentle isometric pressure with the Block or our hands, and it both soothes the pain and allows for faster healing.

Susan L’s testimonial is a fantastic example of the effectiveness of the Block:


Block Therapy for Athletes - Joint Issues


Block Therapy for Athletes: Flexibility