Beginnings of a New Program!
The Trauma Relief Program has officially started! For those who haven’t heard, this is a 90 day program created by Deanna Hansen for Block Therapy Members focusing on releasing all types of trauma - from minor to major, emotional to physical and mental and spiritual.
So, why have I decided to join this program? Do I have deep-set traumatic experiences in my past that result in phobias and fears and interrupt my daily life at present? No, not really. But I joined for a couple of reasons.
First, I love the community. Deanna is one of my best friends and a fantastic mentor to me. The community she has gathered of people who do Block Therapy together and support each other in their healing journeys is uplifting to be around. I’m kind of along for the ride, enjoying doing one of my favorite things together with some pretty awesome people.
Second, Blocking is Blocking, and there’s really nothing wrong with doing it for its own sake. Simply the process of decompressing the fascia on a regular basis has worked wonders for my pain and fatigue and has strengthened me in some of the most important ways, mentally and physically. It doesn't matter so much what I'm doing, but that I'm doing it.
The third reason, though, is more to the point. Just because I’ve been lucky enough not to have been “traumatized” in the popular sense of the term doesn’t mean I don't have any traumas at all to work through. We think of traumas as affecting us and our emotional state, but not so much about traumas affecting our cells.
I have had several injuries in the past that have not healed properly, and that scar tissue equates to restrictions in the fascia, but more significant was my posture growing up. I learned violin without a proper understanding and discipline in posture. Holding that alignment with all of the stress and tension of playing was legitimately traumatic to the cells.
Cells being out of alignment is trauma to them. It’s as simple as that. Often we feel out of whack and we don’t know why - perhaps we haven’t done anything super extreme, but the little things add up. Our chronic state is begging us to look at things in a holistic “bigger picture” way. Only then do we see how we got to where we are.
So this is all to say - come along for the ride! It’s not too late to get started. You’d be amazed at what you come to understand about yourself and your cells. After all, your cells are there to support you! Why don’t we give back to them?