A Tip for Headaches
Got a headache? You’ve probably been told: "Drink some water!" And if that doesn't work: "Have you tried these fancy electrolytes?" As important as drinking water and staying nourished is, it's probably not the issue. The issue is more likely oxygenation, or, the lack thereof!
You know when you stand up too fast and you get a pang in your head? You probably already know that that's the blood pressure not being able to adjust fast enough to the sudden change in the body’s position. It can't get blood flow to the brain. Why is blood so important? Oxygen! What's another way we are depriving our brain of oxygen? Weak breathing. Hence, causing headaches.
Think about it. When's the most likely time to get a headache? When you're stressed, or when you've been sitting in front of a computer for hours and straining your eyes. A major cause of migraines is blockages of blood and oxygen flow to the brain, caused by chronic tension. Eye strain adds to tension as well, further blocking flow.
Here's a simple thing you can do for eye strain, which I did just today after a headache caught me red-handed sitting in front of my computer for hours. I laid down on my bed, placing my hands on my belly and took full, relaxed belly breaths for a few minutes. Then I sat up and placed my thumbs in the inner corners of the brow bone and continued to take those deep breaths for a few more minutes. That was only about six minutes total time off of my work, and after that, my headache was gone! To keep it away, I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, but it was great to have that power to stay out of pain.
When muscles are chronically tense, fascia adhesions result. This applies to eyes too! Too much of tension over time can cause headaches. This simple exercise in fascia decompression can bring great relief. Be warned though, there’s a lot of pain hiding up in there!
To get into more deep-set stuff like migraines, Block Therapy is particularly wonderful at creating lasting changes to a chronic condition. This lady shares her experience:
"I started with my physical issues about 20 years ago. It started with one thing and then over the years more things started happening and everything just continuously progressed to the worse. I have too many things to mention but let’s just say that chronic pain is a major one. I also struggle with migraines. I have seen everyone from western to eastern medicine.
“I have really committed myself to this work more so in the last 6 months and the changes I have been experiencing are life changing. I haven’t had a major migraine in at least 2 months. I was sometimes getting them every 2 weeks. I’ve noticed the alignment in my neck is better. At the beginning I had a really hard time when we did Block, where I had to rest my body on my arms. Now I have mostly no problem doing it. I feel stronger and I have more energy." - Rina Lischka
I hope this gives at least a little bit of a picture of what amazing potential the body has to heal itself, if we know how to care for it. If you would like to learn more about Block Therapy, travel to my About page! Enjoy, and as we like to say here at Block Therapy, “Breathe and Believe!”