Whether you’re an athlete, gym goer, or prefer a home workout, Block Therapy is for you.
Block Therapy is the perfect supplement to any workout routine. In treating the fascia, it keeps you balanced, rejuvenated, and educated about your own body.
Treat Chronic Pain
Is chronic pain (of any kind) holding you back from doing what you love?
Block Therapy specializes in getting to the root of the issue by targeting the cause sites for chronic pain.
Improve Flexibility and Range of Motion
Are you struggling with developing and maintaining flexibility in all ranges of motion?
Stretching is great, but Blocking can reach deeper and open up the body in ways that stretching cannot.
Increase Recovery Time
Has an injury halted your progress?
Block Therapy keeps blood and oxygen flow moving to and from the area in order to help the body heal and recover faster.
Relieve Joint Pain
Are your exercise routines causing too much stress on your joints?
Restoring blood and oxygen flow is essential for allowing joints to rebuild themselves.